fetch_one_array("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}sessions WHERE hash='$hash' AND lastactivity+3600>'$timestamp'"); $user = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT username,logincount,groupid,password FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE userid='".$session['uid']."'"); if(getuserhash($session['uid'],$user['username'],$user['password'],$user['logincount']) == $hash && $session['agent'] == md5(addslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) && $session['groupid'] == $user['groupid']) { $sax_uid = $session['uid']; $sax_group = $user['groupid']; $sax_user = $user['username']; $sax_pw = $user['password']; $logincount = $user['logincount']; $DB->query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}sessions SET lastactivity='$timestamp' WHERE uid='$sax_uid' AND hash='$hash'"); } else { $DB->query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}sessions WHERE lastactivity+3600<'$timestamp' OR hash='$hash'"); } } // 身份验证结束 if ($action == 'logout') { $DB->query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}sessions WHERE hash='$hash' OR lastactivity+3600<'$timestamp'"); $hash = ''; $sax_uid = 0; wap_header('注销身份'); wap_message('注销成功', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } // 首页 if (!$action || $action == 'index') { wap_header($options['name']); echo "

\n"; echo "浏览日志
\n"; echo "标签列表
\n"; echo "日志分类
\n"; echo "日志归档
\n"; echo "搜索引擎
\n"; echo "最新评论
\n"; if ($options['enable_trackback']) { echo "引用列表
\n"; } echo "博客主人
\n"; echo "博客信息
\n"; echo "

\n"; if ($sax_uid) { echo "

您好:".$sax_user." 注销"; if ($sax_group == 1 || $sax_group == 2) { echo "
添加文章"; } echo "

\n"; } else { echo "


\n"; } wap_footer(); } // 文章列表 if (in_array($action, array('list', 'finduser', 'tags', 'dosearch'))) { $pagenum = $options['wap_article_pagenum']; if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } //定义相同的查询语句前部分 $query_sql = "SELECT a.articleid,a.title,a.dateline FROM {$db_prefix}articles a WHERE a.visible='1'"; // 查看用户发表的文章 if ($action == 'finduser') { $userid = intval($_GET['userid']); $user = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT username,articles FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE userid='$userid'"); $tatol = $user['articles']; $catename = '查看'.$user['username'].'的文章'; $query_sql .= " AND a.uid='$userid' ORDER BY a.$article_order DESC LIMIT $start_limit, ".$pagenum; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=finduser&userid='.$userid; // 查看tags的相关文章 } elseif ($action == 'tags') { $item = addslashes($_GET['item']); if ($item) { $tag = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT usenum,aids FROM {$db_prefix}tags WHERE tag='$item'"); if (!$tag) { wap_header('系统消息'); wap_message('记录不存在', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } $tatol = $tag['usenum']; $query_sql .= " AND a.articleid IN (".$tag['aids'].") ORDER BY a.$article_order DESC LIMIT $start_limit, ".$pagenum; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=tags&item='.urlencode($item); $catename = 'Tag:'.htmlspecialchars($item); } else { wap_header('系统消息'); wap_message('缺少参数', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } // 查看搜索结果的文章 } elseif ($action == 'dosearch') { $searchid = intval($_GET['searchid']); if (!$searchid){ wap_message('您指定的搜索不存在或已过期,请返回.', array('title' => '重新搜索', 'link' => 'index.php?action=search')); } else { $search = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}searchindex WHERE searchid='$searchid'"); if (!$search || $search['searchfrom'] != 'article') { wap_message('您指定的搜索不存在或已过期,请返回.', array('title' => '重新搜索', 'link' => 'index.php?action=search')); } $tatol = $search['tatols']; $query_sql .= " AND a.articleid IN (".$search['ids'].") ORDER BY a.".$search['sortby']." ".$search['orderby']." LIMIT $start_limit, ".$pagenum; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=dosearch&searchid='.$searchid; $catename = '搜索:'.$search['keywords']; } // 查看首页文章 } else { $catename = '全部文章'; $tatol = $stats['article_count']; // 检查是否设置$cid参数 $cateadd = ''; $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); if ($cid) { $cateadd = " AND a.cid='$cid' "; $query_sql .= " AND a.cid='$cid' "; $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT name,articles FROM {$db_prefix}categories WHERE cid='$cid'"); $catename = '分类:'.$r['name']; $tatol = $r['articles']; } $setdate = intval($_GET['setdate']); if ($setdate && strlen($setdate) == 6) { $setyear = substr($setdate,0,4); if ($setyear >= 2038 || $setyear <= 1970) { $setyear = sadate('Y'); $setmonth = sadate('m'); $start = $end = 0; } else { $setmonth = substr($setdate,-2); list($start, $end) = explode('-', gettimestamp($setyear,$setmonth)); $catename = $setyear.'年'.$setmonth.'月的文章'; } } else { $setyear = sadate('Y'); $setmonth = sadate('m'); $start = $end = 0; } //*******************************// $startadd = $start ? " AND a.dateline >= '".correcttime($start)."' " : ''; $endadd = $end ? " AND a.dateline < '".correcttime($end)."' " : ''; //*******************************// if($setdate) { $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db_prefix}articles a WHERE a.visible='1' ".$cateadd.$startadd.$endadd); $tatol = $DB->result($query, 0); } //*******************************// $query_sql .= $startadd.$endadd." ORDER BY a.stick DESC, a.$article_order DESC LIMIT $start_limit, ".$pagenum; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=list&cid='.$cid.'&setdate='.$setdate; } // 执行查询 wap_header($catename); if ($tatol) { $query = $DB->query($query_sql); $multipage = multi($tatol, $pagenum, $page, $pageurl); echo "

\n"; while ($article = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { echo "".trimmed_title($article['title'], $options['wap_article_title_limit'])." (".sadate('m-d',$article['dateline']).")
\n"; } $DB->free_result($query); echo "

\n"; echo "


\n"; echo $multipage; } else { echo "


\n"; } echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 标签列表 if ($action == 'tagslist') { $pagenum = $options['wap_tags_pagenum']; if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } $order = in_array($_GET['order'], array('tagid', 'usenum')) ? $_GET['order'] : 'tagid'; $multipage = multi($stats['tag_count'], $pagenum, $page, 'index.php?action=tagslist&order='.$order); wap_header("标签列表"); if ($stats['tag_count']) { if ($order == 'usenum') { echo "


\n"; } else { echo "


\n"; } echo "

\n"; $query = $DB->query("SELECT tag,usenum FROM {$db_prefix}tags ORDER BY $order DESC LIMIT $start_limit, ".$pagenum); while ($tag = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { echo "".htmlspecialchars($tag['tag'])." (".$tag['usenum'].")
\n"; } $DB->free_result($query); echo "

\n"; echo "


\n"; echo $multipage; } else { echo "


\n"; } echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 博客主人 if ($action == 'users') { $tatol = $DB->num_rows($DB->query("SELECT userid FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE groupid='1' OR groupid='2'")); wap_header('博客主人'); if ($tatol) { echo "

\n"; $query = $DB->query("SELECT userid,username,articles FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE groupid='1' OR groupid='2' ORDER BY articles DESC"); while ($user = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { echo "".$user['username']." (文章:".$user['articles'].")
\n"; } $DB->free_result($query); echo "

\n"; echo "


\n"; } else { echo "


\n"; } echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 博客主人 if ($action == 'showuser') { wap_header("博客主人"); $userid = intval($_GET['userid']); // 获取文章信息 if (!$userid) { wap_message('缺少参数', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } else { $user = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT userid,username,url,articles FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE userid='".$userid."'"); if (!$user) { wap_message('记录不存在', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } } $user['articles'] = $user['articles'] ? $user['articles'] : '从未发表'; echo "


\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "名字:".$user['username']."
\n"; echo "发表文章:".$user['articles']."篇
\n"; echo $user['url']."

\n"; echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 日志分类 if ($action == 'categories') { wap_header('日志分类'); echo "

\n"; if (empty($catecache)) { echo '没有任何分类'; } else { $pagenum = 10; if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } $multipage = multi($stats['cate_count'], $pagenum, $page, 'index.php?action=categories'); $catecache = @array_slice($catecache,$start_limit,$pagenum); foreach($catecache AS $data){ echo "".$data['name']." (".$data['articles'].")
\n"; } } echo "

\n"; echo $multipage; echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 日志归档 if ($action == 'archives') { wap_header('日志归档'); echo "

\n"; if (empty($archivecache)) { echo '没有任何归档'; } else { $monthname = array('','一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月','七月','八月','九月','十月','十一月','十二月'); $pagenum = 10; if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } $multipage = multi(count($archivecache), $pagenum, $page, 'index.php?action=archives'); $archivecache = @array_slice($archivecache,$start_limit,$pagenum); foreach($archivecache AS $key => $val){ $v = explode('-', $key); $e_month = ($v[1] < 10) ? str_replace('0', '', $v[1]) : $v[1]; echo "".$monthname[$e_month].", ".$v[0]." (".$val.")
\n"; } } echo "

\n"; echo $multipage; echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 搜索引擎 if ($action == 'search') { wap_header('搜索引擎'); $keywords = addslashes(trim($_POST['keywords'] ? $_POST['keywords'] : $_GET['keywords'])); if (!$keywords || strlen($keywords) < $options['search_keywords_min_len']) { echo "


\n"; echo "

关键字中可使用通配符 "*"
匹配多个关键字全部, 可用空格或 "AND" 连接. 如: angel AND 4ngel
匹配多个关键字其中部分, 可用 "|" 或 "OR" 连接. 如: angel OR 4ngel

"; echo "


\n"; echo "

确定\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; } else { $searchindex = array('id' => 0, 'dateline' => '0'); $query = $DB->query("SELECT searchid, dateline, ('".$options['search_post_space']."'<>'0' AND $timestamp-dateline<".$options['search_post_space'].") AS flood, searchfrom='article' AND keywords='$keywords' AS indexvalid FROM {$db_prefix}searchindex WHERE ('".$options['search_post_space']."'<>'0' AND ipaddress='$onlineip' AND $timestamp-dateline<".$options['search_post_space'].") ORDER BY flood"); while($index = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { if($index['indexvalid'] && $index['dateline'] > $searchindex['dateline']) { $searchindex = array('id' => $index['searchid'], 'dateline' => $index['dateline']); break; } elseif($index['flood']) { wap_message('对不起,您在 '.$options['search_post_space'].' 秒内只能进行一次搜索.', array('title' => '重新搜索', 'link' => 'index.php?action=search')); } } if($searchindex['id']) { $searchid = $searchindex['id']; } else { $keywords = str_replace("_","\_",$keywords); $keywords = str_replace("%","\%",$keywords); if(preg_match("(AND|\+|&|\s)", $keywords) && !preg_match("(OR|\|)", $keywords)) { $andor = ' AND '; $sqltxtsrch = '1'; $keywords = preg_replace("/( AND |&| )/is", "+", $keywords); } else { $andor = ' OR '; $sqltxtsrch = '0'; $keywords = preg_replace("/( OR |\|)/is", "+", $keywords); } $keywords = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes($keywords, '%_')); foreach(explode('+', $keywords) AS $text) { $text = trim($text); if($text) { $sqltxtsrch .= $andor; $sqltxtsrch .= "(content LIKE '%".str_replace('_', '\_', $text)."%' OR title LIKE '%".$text."%')"; } } //搜索文章 $tatols = $ids = 0; $query = $DB->query("SELECT articleid FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE visible='1' AND ($sqltxtsrch) ORDER BY dateline desc"); while($article = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { $ids .= ','.$article['articleid']; $tatols++; } $DB->free_result($query); $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}searchindex (keywords, dateline, sortby, orderby, tatols, ids, searchfrom, ipaddress) VALUES ('".char_cv($keywords)."', '$timestamp', 'dateline', 'desc', '$tatols', '$ids', 'article', '$onlineip')"); $searchid = $DB->insert_id(); } wap_message('搜索成功完成', array('title' => '查看搜索结果', 'link' => 'index.php?action=dosearch&searchid='.$searchid)); } echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 最新评论 if ($action == 'comments') { $articleid = intval($_GET['articleid']); $query_sql = "SELECT c.articleid,c.author,c.commentid,c.dateline,c.content, a.title FROM {$db_prefix}comments c LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}articles a ON (a.articleid=c.articleid) WHERE a.visible='1' AND c.visible='1'"; if ($articleid) { $query_sql .= " AND c.articleid='$articleid'"; $article = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT title,comments FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE articleid='$articleid'"); $tatol = $article['comments']; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=comments&articleid='.$articleid; } else { $tatol = $stats['comment_count']; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=comments'; } wap_header('最新评论'); if ($tatol) { $pagenum = $options['wap_comment_pagenum']; if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } $query_sql .= " ORDER BY commentid DESC LIMIT $start_limit, $pagenum"; $multipage = multi($tatol, $pagenum, $page, $pageurl); $query = $DB->query($query_sql); if ($articleid) { echo "


\n"; } while ($comment=$DB->fetch_array($query)) { echo "

\n"; if (!$articleid) { echo "文章:".$comment['title']."
\n"; } echo '作者:'.$comment['author']; if ($sax_group == 1) { echo "[编辑]
\n"; } else { echo '
'; } echo "时间:".sadate('Y-m-d H:i',$comment['dateline'])."
\n"; echo "内容:".html_clean($comment['content'])."\n"; echo "

\n"; } unset($comment); echo "


\n"; echo $multipage; $DB->free_result($query); } else { echo "


\n"; } echo "

"; if ($articleid) { if (!$sax_uid || !$hash) { echo "立即登陆发表评论
\n"; } else { echo "发表评论
\n"; } echo "返回文章
"; } echo "返回日志列表

\n"; wap_footer(); } // 引用列表 if ($action == 'trackbacks' && $options['enable_trackback']) { $articleid = intval($_GET['articleid']); if ($articleid) { $article = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT title,trackbacks FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE visible='1' AND articleid='".$articleid."'"); $tatol = $article['trackbacks']; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=trackbacks&articleid='.$articleid; $add_query = "AND t.articleid='$articleid'"; } else { $tatol = $stats['trackback_count']; $pageurl = 'index.php?action=trackbacks'; $add_query = ''; } wap_header('最新引用'); if ($tatol) { $pagenum = $options['wap_trackback_pagenum']; if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } $multipage = multi($tatol, $pagenum, $page, $pageurl); $query = $DB->query("SELECT t.trackbackid,t.title,t.dateline,t.url,t.blog_name,a.title as article FROM {$db_prefix}trackbacks t LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}articles a ON (a.articleid=t.articleid) WHERE a.visible='1' AND t.visible='1' ".$add_query." ORDER BY trackbackid DESC LIMIT ".$start_limit.", ".$pagenum); if ($articleid) { echo "


\n"; } while ($trackback = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { echo "

\n"; echo "标题:".$trackback['title']."
\n"; echo "来自:".$trackback['blog_name']."
\n"; echo "时间:".sadate('Y-m-d H:i',$trackback['dateline']); echo "

\n"; } unset($trackback); $DB->free_result($query); echo "


\n"; echo $multipage; } else { echo "


"; } echo "

"; if ($articleid) { echo "返回文章
"; } echo "返回日志列表

\n"; wap_footer(); } // 博客信息 if ($action == 'statistics') { wap_header('博客信息'); echo "

\n"; echo "分类数量: ".$stats['cate_count']."
\n"; echo "文章数量: ".$stats['article_count']."
\n"; echo "评论数量: ".$stats['comment_count']."
\n"; echo "标签数量: ".$stats['tag_count']."
\n"; echo "附件数量: ".$stats['attachment_count']."
\n"; if ($options['enable_trackback']) { echo "引用数量: ".$stats['trackback_count']."
\n"; } echo "注册用户: ".$stats['user_count']."
\n"; echo "今日访问: ".$stats['today_view_count']."
\n"; echo "总访问量: ".$stats['all_view_count']."
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } // 浏览日志 if ($action == 'show') { $articleid = intval($_GET['id']); // 获取文章信息 if (!$articleid) { wap_header('系统消息'); wap_message('缺少参数', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } else { $article = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT a.articleid,a.cid,a.uid,a.title,a.content,a.keywords,a.dateline,a.views,a.comments,a.trackbacks,a.closecomment,a.readpassword,a.attachments,c.name as cname,u.username FROM {$db_prefix}articles a LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}categories c ON c.cid=a.cid LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}users u ON a.uid=u.userid WHERE a.visible='1' AND articleid='$articleid'"); if (!$article) { wap_header('系统消息'); wap_message('记录不存在', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}articles SET views=views+1 WHERE articleid='$articleid'"); } wap_header($article['title']); echo "

\n"; echo "作者:".$article['username']."
"; echo "时间:".sadate('Y-m-d H:i',$article['dateline'])."
"; echo "分类:".$article['cname']."
"; if ($article['readpassword']) { echo "

\n"; echo "


\n"; } else { if ($article['keywords']) { $tags = $tmark = ''; $tagdb = explode(',', $article['keywords']); for($i=0; $i".htmlspecialchars($tagdb[$i]).""; $tmark = ', '; } echo "标签:".$tags."
"; } //附件 if ($article['attachments']) { $attachs = $tmark = ''; $attachdb= unserialize(stripslashes_array($article['attachments'])); if (is_array($attachdb)) { foreach ($attachdb AS $attach) { $a_path = '../'.$options['attachments_dir'].'/'.$attach['filepath']; if (file_exists($a_path)) { $attachs .= $tmark."".$attach['filename'].""; $tmark = ', '; } } } if ($attachs) { echo '附件:'.$attachs.'
'; } } $article['content'] = str_replace(array('[php]','[/php]'),'',$article['content']); echo "内容:".html2text($article['content'])."

"; echo "

\n"; if ($article['trackbacks'] && $options['enable_trackback']) { echo "查看引用
\n"; } if ($article['comments']) { echo "查看评论
\n"; } if (!$article['closecomment']) { if (!$sax_uid || !$hash) { echo "立即登陆发表评论
\n"; } else { echo "发表评论
\n"; } } else { echo "本文因为某种原因此时不允许访客进行评论
\n"; } echo "

\n"; } echo "


\n"; wap_footer(); } //登陆 if ($action == 'login') { wap_header('用户登陆'); if (!$do || $do != 'login') { echo "


\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "

确定\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "

"; echo "返回主页

\n"; } elseif ($do == 'login') { // 登陆验证 $username = addslashes(trim($_POST['username'] ? $_POST['username'] : $_GET['username'])); $password = md5($_POST['password'] ? $_POST['password'] : $_GET['password']); if (strlen($username) > 20) { wap_message('登陆失败', array('title' => '重新登陆', 'link' => 'index.php?action=login')); } $user = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT userid,username,logincount,groupid,password FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE username='$username'"); if ($user['userid'] && $user['password'] == $password) { $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}users SET logincount=logincount+1, logintime='$timestamp', loginip='$onlineip' WHERE userid='".$user['userid']."'"); $hash = getuserhash($user['userid'], $user['username'], $user['password'], $user['logincount']+1); $DB->query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}sessions WHERE uid='".$user['userid']."' OR lastactivity+3600<'$timestamp' OR hash='$hash'"); $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}sessions (hash,uid,groupid,ipaddress,agent,lastactivity) VALUES ('$hash', '".$user['userid']."', '".$user['groupid']."', '$onlineip', '".md5(addslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))."', '$timestamp')"); if ($user['groupid'] == 1 || $user['groupid'] == 2) { loginresult($username,'Succeed'); } wap_message('登陆成功', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } else { $hash = ''; $DB->query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}sessions WHERE lastactivity+3600<'$timestamp'"); if ($user['groupid'] == 1 || $user['groupid'] == 2 || $sax_group == 1 || $sax_group == 2) { loginresult($username,'Failed'); } wap_message('登陆失败', array('title' => '重新登陆', 'link' => 'index.php?action=login')); } } wap_footer(); } // 添加评论 if ($action == 'addcomment') { wap_header('添加评论'); $articleid = intval($articleid); if (!$articleid) { wap_message('缺少必要参数', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } else { $article = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT title, cid, closecomment FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE articleid='$articleid'"); if ($article['closecomment']) { wap_message('本文因为某种原因此时不允许访客进行评论', array('title' => '返回日志列表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=list')); } } if($do == 'addcomment') { if ($options['banip_enable']) { $options['ban_ip'] = str_replace(',', ',', $options['ban_ip']); $ban_ips = explode(',', $options['ban_ip']); if (is_array($ban_ips) && count($ban_ips)) { foreach ($ban_ips AS $ban_ip) { $ban_ip = str_replace( '\*', '.*', preg_quote($ban_ip, "/") ); if (preg_match("/^$ban_ip/", $onlineip)) { wap_message('您的IP已经被系统禁止发表评论.'); } } } } //如果没有登陆 if (!$sax_uid || !$hash) { wap_message('只有登陆后才能发表评论.', array('title' => '立即登陆', 'link' => 'index.php?action=login')); } else { //如果已登陆 $user = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT userid,username,logincount,groupid,password,url FROM {$db_prefix}users WHERE userid='$sax_uid'"); if ($user['userid'] && $user['password'] == $sax_pw && getuserhash($user['userid'],$user['username'],$user['password'],$user['logincount']) == $hash && $user['logincount'] == $logincount && $user['groupid'] == $sax_group) { $username = addslashes($user['username']); $url = addslashes($user['url']); } else { $DB->query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}sessions WHERE lastactivity+3600<'$timestamp' OR hash='$hash'"); wap_message('读取用户信息出错,请重新登陆.', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addcomment&articleid='.$articleid)); } } $content = addslashes(trim($_POST['content'] ? $_POST['content'] : $_GET['content']))." \n\n<自 WAP 发表>"; // 检查限制选项 if ($options['audit_comment']) { $spam = TRUE; //禁止IP } elseif ($options['banip_enable']) { $options['ban_ip'] = str_replace(',', ',', $options['ban_ip']); $ban_ips = explode(',', $options['ban_ip']); if (is_array($ban_ips) && count($ban_ips)) { foreach ($ban_ips AS $ban_ip) { $ban_ip = str_replace( '\*', '.*', preg_quote($ban_ip, "/") ); if (preg_match("/^$ban_ip/", $onlineip)) { $spam = TRUE; break; } } } } elseif ($options['spam_enable']) { //链接次数 if (substr_count($content, 'http://') >= $options['spam_url_num']) { $spam = TRUE; } //禁止词语 if ($options['spam_words']) { $options['spam_words'] = str_replace(',', ',', $options['spam_words']); $badwords = explode(',', $options['spam_words']); if (is_array($badwords) && count($badwords) ) { foreach ($badwords AS $n) { if ($n) { if (preg_match( "/".preg_quote($n, '/' )."/i", $content)) { $spam = TRUE; break; } } } } } //内容长度 if (strlen($content) >= $options['spam_content_size']) { $spam = TRUE; } } else { $spam = FALSE; } $visible = $spam ? '0' : '1'; if ($options['comment_post_space'] && $timestamp - $user['lastpost'] <= $options['comment_post_space']){ wap_message('为防止灌水,发表评论时间间隔为'.$options['comment_post_space'].'秒.', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addcomment&articleid='.$articleid)); } $result = ''; $result .= checkurl($url); $result .= checkcontent($content); if($result){ wap_message($result, array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addcomment&articleid='.$articleid)); } $username = char_cv($username); $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT commentid FROM {$db_prefix}comments WHERE articleid='$articleid' AND author='$username' AND content='$content'"); if($r['commentid']) { wap_message('该评论已存在', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addcomment&articleid='.$articleid)); } unset($r); $msg = '添加评论成功, '.($spam ? '目前发表评论需要管理员审核才会显示,请耐心等待管理员审核...' : '返回即可看到您所发表的评论'); $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}comments (articleid, author, url, dateline, content, ipaddress, visible) VALUES ('$articleid', '$username', '$url', '$timestamp', '$content', '$onlineip', '$visible')"); $cmid = $DB->insert_id(); if ($sax_uid && $hash) { $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}users SET lastpost='$timestamp' WHERE userid='$sax_uid'"); } if (!$spam) { // 更新当前文章评论数 $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}articles SET comments=comments+1 WHERE articleid='$articleid'"); $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}statistics SET comment_count=comment_count+1"); require_once(SABLOG_ROOT.'include/cache.php'); newcomments_recache(); statistics_recache(); } wap_message($msg, array('title' => '查看评论', 'link' => 'index.php?action=comments&articleid='.$articleid)); } else { echo "


\n"; if ($sax_uid && $hash) { echo "

已经登陆为:".$sax_user." 注销

\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "

确定\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; } else { echo "


\n"; echo "


"; } echo "

"; echo "返回主页

\n"; } wap_footer(); } // 添加文章 if ($action == 'add') { wap_header("添加文章"); if ($sax_group == 1 || $sax_group == 2 && $hash) { // 添加文章 if($do == 'add') { $title = trim($_POST['title'] ? $_POST['title'] : $_GET['title']); $content = addslashes($_POST['content'] ? $_POST['content'] : $_GET['content']); $cid = intval($cid); if($title == '' || strlen($title) > 120) { wap_message('标题不能为空并且不能多于120个字节', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle')); } if(!$cid) { wap_message('你还没有选择分类', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle')); } if(!$content) { wap_message('内容不能为空', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle')); } $title = char_cv($title); $r = $DB->num_rows($DB->query("SELECT articleid FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE title='$title' and cid='$cid' and content='$content'")); if($r) { wap_message('数据库中已存在相同的数据', array('title' => '重新发表', 'link' => 'index.php?action=addarticle')); } // 插入数据部分 $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}articles (cid, uid, title, content, dateline) VALUES ('$cid', '$sax_uid', '$title', '$content

自 WAP 发表', '$timestamp')"); $articleid = $DB->insert_id(); $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}users SET articles=articles+1 WHERE userid='$sax_uid'"); $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}categories SET articles=articles+1 WHERE cid='$cid'"); $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}statistics SET article_count=article_count+1"); require_once(SABLOG_ROOT.'include/cache.php'); archives_recache(); categories_recache(); statistics_recache(); getlog(); wap_message('添加文章成功', array('title' => '查看文章', 'link' => 'index.php?action=show&id='.$articleid)); } else { echo "


\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "

确定\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "

"; echo "返回主页

\n"; } } else { wap_message('你没有权限进行此操作'); } wap_footer(); } // 管理评论 if ($action == 'editcomment') { wap_header("管理评论"); if ($sax_group == 1 && $hash) { $commentid = intval($commentid); // 获取文章信息 if (!$commentid) { wap_message('缺少参数'); } else { $comment = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT author,articleid,content FROM {$db_prefix}comments WHERE commentid='$commentid'"); if (!$comment) { wap_message('记录不存在'); } } if($act == 'edit') { $do = in_array($do, array('hidden', 'delete')) ? $do : 'hidden'; if($do == 'hidden') { $DB->query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}comments SET visible='0' WHERE commentid='$commentid'"); $msg = '评论已隐藏'; } else { $DB->query("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}comments WHERE commentid='$commentid'"); $msg = '评论已删除'; } $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}articles SET comments=comments-1 WHERE articleid='".$comment['articleid']."'"); $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}statistics SET comment_count=comment_count-1"); require_once(SABLOG_ROOT.'include/cache.php'); newcomments_recache(); statistics_recache(); getlog(); wap_message($msg, array('title' => '返回评论列表', 'link' => "index.php?action=comments&articleid=".$comment['articleid'])); } else { echo "

\n"; echo "作者:".$comment['author']."
\n"; echo "内容:".html_clean($comment['content'])."

\n"; echo "


\n"; echo "

确定\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "

"; echo "返回主页

\n"; } } else { wap_message('你没有权限进行此操作'); } wap_footer(); } ?>